The SMEs Go Digital programme aims to help SMEs use digital technologies and build stronger digital capabilities to seize growth opportunities in the digital economy.
Building on the foundation of Enhanced iSPRINT, SMEs Go Digital has a more structured and inclusive approach towards the adoption of digital technologies by SMEs.
For more information on SMEs Go Digital, please visit www.imda.gov.sg/SMEsGoDigital
What is PSG?
The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) was launched on April 2018 to help businesses enhance their processes with technology.
It provides financial support for business owners to adopt pre-scoped IT solutions, equipment and consultancy services to improve productivity. These solutions are aligned to the industry roadmaps such as the Industry Transformation Maps (ITMs) and Industry Digital Plans (IDPs).
Eligibility Criteria
Business entities can apply for PSG if they meet the following criteria:
Registered and operating in Singapore
Purchase/lease/subscription of the IT solutions/equipment/consultancy service must be used in Singapore
(For selected solutions only) Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding
(For consultancy service solutions only) Have at least three local employees at the point of application
Xero Accounting Software
Xero is a powerful online accounting software solution. Run things smoothly, keep records tidy, and make compliance a breeze with cloud based accounting.​
Automate tasks like invoicing and reporting
Get a full financial picture of your business
Make end-of-year tax returns easy
How can D Next Stop help you?
As a pre-approved PSG Vendor and Xero Silver Partner that specializes in implementing and integrating various add-ons within the Xero Ecosystem, we can help you leverage on the PSG Grant to boost productivity of your business processes.
Whether it is automated bookkeeping and inventory or customized reporting solutions, we deliver solutions for all things accounting. As a pre-approved vendor, we help you leverage digitization through Xero to upgrade your productivity efforts and maximize efficiency across all spheres.